Myo Gesture Armband

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At ICRA last year, JPL presented a robotic control system called the BioSleeve, which is a sensor-packed bandage that wraps around your arm and lets you control robots with movements and gestures. It's essentially a gesture recognition system that works One of the hottest areas for tech development in the last few years has been gesture control, which allows users to interact with computers without having to touch any inputs like a keyboard or a mouse. Undoubtedly inspired both by Microsoft Kinect and the Over the last five years, the touchscreen has supplanted the mouse and keyboard as the primary way that many of us interact with computers. But will multitouch enjoy a 30-year reign like its predecessor? Or will a newcomer swoop in and steal its crown? Wearable tech’s dynamic duo is here! Thalmic Labs has officially announced the ability to integrate its gesture control armband, Myo, with smartglasses like Google Glass, Epson Moverio BT-200 and Recon Instrument’s upcoming Jet. The combination of MYO's gesture control armband promises to let you "unleash your inner Jedi" by offering the ability to wirelessly control your smartphone or computer via gestures. It does this by detecting the electrical activity in your arm muscles as you move and This year at CES we met with red-hot startup Thalmic Labs to see its Myo Armband in action. The Myo uses both motion and gestures to control digital devices—anything from games and applications on your PC to physical devices such as quadcopters or the .

Harnessing muscular activity to provide computer input has many advantages over Kinect-like devices that use cameras or inertial sensors. A new gesture-based wireless input device that works by sensing the electrical signature of forearm contractions is The armband uses subtle hand gestures to instantly interact with applications on from documentation so they can focus on patients. Integration with the Myo armband means physicians can go through patient information with the simple swipe of a hand. It seems very likely that gesture-based devices like the Kinect will play increasingly larger roles in our lives in the near future, but what’s not clear yet is which underlying technology will be king. Camera-based gesture devices are big now, but Thalmic Labs, creators of the yet-to-be-released Myo gesture control armband, released a new video this morning that showcases Myo interfacing with another revolutionary device: the Oculus Rift. The video gives us a glimpse into the future of gaming and .

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